Karen's Note
Tadaimaaaaa!!!yeeeeey i miss my blog ..
OK this afternoon will post download link to Shiritsu Bakaleya Kouko [SBK] . Dont worry the size of video not too big just around 149 MB-200MB >>> Ep 1-7
after got premission from the owner ,i can post here.. [Arigatou fo Budhee / Tetsuko Himura ^^]
Thanks alot for her..
(Accidentally Tetsuko-san stop to uploading this drama ,so for ep 8- so on will be uploaded by me and has size 120 MB ,but dont worry the quality is not bad )
Reshare with permission These link is not mine ^.<
[all video links are in Mediafire]
Shiritsu Bakaleya Kouko Ep 1 + SoftSub
Shiritsu Bakaleya Kouko Ep 2 + SoftSub
Shiritsu Bakaleya Kouko Ep 3 + SoftSub
Shiritsu Bakaleya Kouko Ep 4 + SoftSub
Shiritsu Bakaleya Kouko Ep 5 + SoftSub
Shiritsu Bakaleya Kouko Ep 6 + SoftSub
Shiritsu Bakaleya Kouko Ep 7 +Softsub go to Sophia london
Shiritsu Bakaleya Kouko Ep 8 +Softsub go to Sophia london
Shiritsu Bakaleya Kouko Ep 9 +Softsub go to Sophia london
Shiritsu Bakaleya Kouko Ep 10 +Softsub go to Sophia london
Shiritsu Bakaleya Kouko Ep 11 +Softsub go to Sophia london
Shiritsu Bakaleya Kouko Ep.12 + Softsub go to Sophia london
PASSWORD : bakarea
PASSWORD 8,9,10,11: migikata
credit original raw : Hello!Online torrent via
re-encoded by Tetsuko Himura , nakayamakaren
credit ep.1-7 : tetsukohimura II
credit ep 8,9,10 : nakayamakaren.
For Softsub go to Sophia London@LJ
For all Softsub's Links are in Minus , Mediafire link avaliable now and for who dont know how to dowload via Minus here the steps
-First Open link,
-Click Download all as Zip
I'll keep update for this POST for more episode.. ^^ Now was end ^^/
OK this afternoon will post download link to Shiritsu Bakaleya Kouko [SBK] . Dont worry the size of video not too big just around 149 MB-200MB >>> Ep 1-7
after got premission from the owner ,i can post here.. [Arigatou fo Budhee / Tetsuko Himura ^^]
Thanks alot for her..
(Accidentally Tetsuko-san stop to uploading this drama ,so for ep 8- so on will be uploaded by me and has size 120 MB ,but dont worry the quality is not bad )
Reshare with permission These link is not mine ^.<
[all video links are in Mediafire]
Shiritsu Bakaleya Kouko Ep 1 + SoftSub
Shiritsu Bakaleya Kouko Ep 2 + SoftSub
Shiritsu Bakaleya Kouko Ep 3 + SoftSub
Shiritsu Bakaleya Kouko Ep 4 + SoftSub
Shiritsu Bakaleya Kouko Ep 5 + SoftSub
Shiritsu Bakaleya Kouko Ep 6 + SoftSub
Shiritsu Bakaleya Kouko Ep 7 +Softsub go to Sophia london
Shiritsu Bakaleya Kouko Ep 8 +Softsub go to Sophia london
Shiritsu Bakaleya Kouko Ep 9 +Softsub go to Sophia london
Shiritsu Bakaleya Kouko Ep 10 +Softsub go to Sophia london
Shiritsu Bakaleya Kouko Ep 11 +Softsub go to Sophia london
Shiritsu Bakaleya Kouko Ep.12 + Softsub go to Sophia london
PASSWORD : bakarea
PASSWORD 8,9,10,11: migikata
credit original raw : Hello!Online torrent via
re-encoded by Tetsuko Himura , nakayamakaren
credit ep.1-7 : tetsukohimura II
credit ep 8,9,10 : nakayamakaren.
For Softsub go to Sophia London@LJ
-First Open link,
-Click Download all as Zip
Click image for larger
since there some people say,it's difficult to download from minus.. decided it to reupload softsub in MF
credit Sophia London@LJ
how can i download it? i need a password
BalasHapushahahaa gomenasaai i forget put the password,but already add the password gomenasaiiiii XD
BalasHapuskok gabisa download subs-nya yaaa T.Ta
BalasHapuskadang emang sedikit ribet kalo download lewat Minus..:D
Hapusdicoba lagi.. ato coba ntar aku cari siapa tau ada yang reupload lewat MF
BalasHapusI take eps 4,5,6,.,
BalasHapusI'll be taking the rest next time,.,
hope you don't mind,.,
Thankz for sharing,., (^_^)v
hahaha douzo.. ^^ happy watching
HapusI've took the rest,.,
Hapuslooking forward for the movie,.,
thankz alot for sharing ne~~ (^_^)
yuuuhuuu.. happy watching .. happy cleaning your eyes with those boys LOL
Hapusγ(▽´ )ツヾ( `▽)ゞ
agan nakayama punya ost nya bakaleya yg kis my ft2 nggak? kalo punya share dong :))
BalasHapusadanya hasil ngeRIP dari radio , coz buat single yg muat Shake it up baru bakal release bulan ini kalo g salah..
Hapusy nanti aku share deh, tpi yg jelas qualitynya g bgtu bagus loh ya ^^"
g ada yg sub indo ya gan
Hapuscoba cari aja di IDW forum , kayaknyak ada yang negsub indo .. :))
Hapusthanks :DD
BalasHapusi really enjoy watching them :D Arigachuu karen chan
BalasHapusanyway i've downloaded whole softsubts but why they dont appear on each movie? >_< onegai shimasu
make sure the title of the sub and raw are same :)
Hapusor try using VLC windows clasic media player
what is the pass????
BalasHapuswhich password for you need ? you can find under links , it was wrotten there
Hapusplease read carefully ^^
I think i wrote it Bigger and it has pink
Makasih banyak uda reupload sub ke mefdiafire. Aku uda semingguan ini stress ga bisa download dari minus :D
BalasHapusOk no problem ^^ tapi aku cuma re upload yg sub ep 1-6 doank sih :D
HapusHalo numpang lewat.. Ada english softsub buat ep7?
Silakan cari di sophialondon livejournal ^^ , harusnya ada karena setauku merka dah selesai ngesub all episode
HapusHello, thank you for these~
BalasHapuskok sub indonesianya gak cocok ??
BalasHapusWah kalo itu mah sya g tau , soalnya bukan sya yg ngesub XD ..
Hapusmungkin yg sub indo , pke raw nya beda dengan yg agan pake
There's a problem when I try to download ep 2, it always says that it can't connect...
BalasHapusuhm.. dunno, but mediafire just so slow nowday, please be patient or you can using mipony downloader,you no need to go to the link ,just copy paste the link into mipony
Hapusi checked the link and it's work :)
Punyain masalah download soft sub 7
BalasHapusLink sofia london minus nya sudah expired. Gimana ya?
hmm gimna yah, aku jga dah g punya softsubnya sih, kalo punya akun idws mendng cba ke stu aja, biasanya bnyk alternatif sub