
NYC Chibi [Screen Cap Hey Hey Music Champ]

In variety Hey Hey Music Champ ..forget bout the date may a week ago..NYC as Guest but yeah poorly they just talk about 20 s? i dunno.. that more seems Amemiya show hahaha because  only him  who keep singging his own song about NYC.  if you wanna download it you can go Kamichan Blog Here

Chibi Yama-chan ahahaha he really love soccer i guest

totally cute >///<

 Chibi Chinen owowowowow ^0^

 Chinen -kun 7 years old

Chibi Yuma ah ..there are Nana Nakayama/ Yamada Nana (member NB48) and their younger sister..anybody know whos the name Yuma Younger sister?
Btw Yuma-chan seems very happy there and wait that like Hokage costum XD

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