
Harlem Shake !! Shake My BLOG !!

Karen's Note
Hey Minna hisashiburi ^^
do you miss me? well i guest nobody XD *cries*
my real life make me not update to several time, but honestly i'm not totally hiatus
i work in my live journal , so please check my journal by clicking button livejournal above . it will drive you straight to my journal. I'm post some translation,  ofcourse Jr part only and some SexyZone,  since i know JUMP always have better translator than me :D . I'm just amateur but please enjoy my hard work in translating :)
 Why i make this post hahahah, just for fun and promote my friend video XD
you know Harlemshake , it has been worl wide know , everybody know bout it .
My friends make this video just for fun , and i just helping to upload . LOL
enjoy their crazziness  XD

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